Frequently asked questions about our recumbents can also be found on this website in our recumbent FAQ or in the owner’s manuals. If you have any further questions, please contact us during the telephone service hours listed above. For in-depth advice and technical support, you can quickly find a contact near you in the “Dealers” menu. For press enquiries please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-283; suppliers please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-288.


Catalogs, Price Lists, Manuals and More

Here you will find a comprehensive collection of all current downloadable documents available on our website: Catalogs covering our two-wheel bikes and three-wheel trikes, prices and order sheets as well as the manual or operating instructions for your recumbent or the assembly instructions for cycling accessories.


You can also browse through our brochures here on this page. Simply click on one of the following thumbnails. We will also be more than pleased to send you the printed recumbent catalogs by post.

Price Lists

French, Euro Prices

Individual Order Sheets for Bikes & Trikes

Prices for All Products and Parts

German, prices in Euro

Individual Order Sheets for Bikes & Trikes

Prices for All Products and Parts


English / Multilingual

Manuals for your recumbent bike or trike

Oldtimer / Vintage Models

Manuals for Electric Drives


Bafang & Enviolo

GO SwissDrive


Manuals for recumbent accessories

Comfort & Seats

Luggage & Transport

Light & Safety

Assembly manual brake lever covers

Ability and Adaptive Cycling

Hands-On-Cycle (HOC)


Manuals for your recumbent bike or trike

Oldtimer / Vintage Models

Manuals for Electric Drives


Bafang & Enviolo

GO SwissDrive


Manuals for recumbent accessories

Comfort & Seats

Luggage & Transport

Light & Safety

Assembly manual brake lever covers

Ability and Adaptive Cycling

Hands-On-Cycle (HOC)

workshop videos tutorials anleitung liegerad recumbent instructions how-to teaser

Tutorials in Pictures:
Our Workshop Videos

In our workshop videos and tutorials, we illustrate how service work is carried out on your recumbent bike or trike and how to mount recumbent bike accessories.


Noch Fragen? Hier finden Sie Antworten!

In unserem HP Velotechnik Helpcenter finden Sie – strukturiert aufbereitet – Informationen und Antworten auf regelmäßig an uns herangetragene Anliegen. Hier können Sie auch Anfragen rund um unsere Produkte und Serviceleistungen einreichen.