Frequently asked questions about our recumbents can also be found on this website in our recumbent FAQ or in the owner’s manuals. If you have any further questions, please contact us during the telephone service hours listed above. For in-depth advice and technical support, you can quickly find a contact near you in the “Dealers” menu. For press enquiries please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-283; suppliers please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-288.

Recumbent Tech Talk

All About Our Recumbent Design Concepts, Options and Accessories

Even if we are talking about technologies we use to build our recumbents: At HP Velotechnik, the focus is always on people. In our recumbent manufactory bicycles are ergonomically designed on the basis of your needs and modern construction methods.

With our modular system we would like to offer you the perfect complement to the technical features of our frame construction. Accordingly, the selection of equipment, components and accessories is important in addition to the developments of our own engineers. Roughly 1500 different components are waiting in the warehouse of the recumbent bike manufactory for use in an individually assembled bike.

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Our drivetrain options cover a diverse range of applications. Derailleur, hub gear, gearbox – or a combination of these? Find out which gearshift is best for you!

Our electric drives support up to three times of your pedaling power. What´s the difference between a bottom bracket motor and a hub motor? And how does a “mid-engine” become a front drive in a recumbent bike?

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Our suspended recumbents offer exceptional comfort and safety. Find out how much engineering skill lies behind what you experience during a test ride – an incomparable driving experience!

Our modular seating systems create the most suitable connection between the bike or trike and you. Find out why our recumbent bike seats can also convince in orthopaedic terms!

Unsere 20-Zoll- und 26-Zoll-Laufräder
besitzen spezifische Eigenschaften, die je nach Einsatzzweck und den damit verbundenen Anforderungen Vorteile bieten. Hier erhalten Sie Hilfestellung bei der Wahl der für Sie am besten geeigneten Laufradgröße.

Accessories for Bikes and Trikes

With our smart accessories you can equip your recumbent or trike according to your requirements and preferences. Whether for daily use or the long distance travel tour, here you will find the right parts for every purpose.

Why Don't You Just Play a Little With Our Options?

Our wide range of options and what works best together – all stored in our online configurator. Juggle freely with the whole variety of our components!