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Latest News from Our Recumbent Factory

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The first series model of our new electric chopper rolled out of production much earlier than planned.
[In German] "XXL comfort on three wheels": The Delta tx convinces in the test of the magazine ElektroRad with the rating very good.
[With Video] Public day of the recumbent manufactory attracted roughly 200 visitors. Secret star on the test track met with great interest.
[In German] Riding review Scorpion fs 26 Enduro: Switching from a classic bike to a recumbent trike can be that easy.
Our innovations for the coming model year are all about automatics. At the same time, we are introducing the second-generation Neodrives Z20 system.
[In German] As a manufacturer of special bikes "thirty years on the back": Visit to the recumbent manufacturer HP Velotechnik.