Frequently asked questions about our recumbents can also be found on this website in our recumbent FAQ or in the owner’s manuals. If you have any further questions, please contact us during the telephone service hours listed above. For in-depth advice and technical support, you can quickly find a contact near you in the “Dealers” menu. For press enquiries please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-283; suppliers please call +49 (0) 61 92 – 97 99 2-288.
Press Service

Latest Bike News and Press Picture Downloads

What are the bike trends of the new season? On this page, you will find links to the latest recumbent bicycle news with matching picture selections in the overview of press releases.

Are you mainly looking for print-quality bicycle images to download? You’ll find high-resolution action photos and cut-out studio pictures in our recumbent bike and trike press photo download!

Urgent questions? Need a statement? Looking for recumbent experts for in-depth information? The HP Velotechnik press team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about bicycle topics and trends. They guide media representatives during visits to our manufactory near Frankfurt, arrange interview partners and are also well connected in the bicycle industry. For your road test, they provide the right test bikes, test trikes, and bike accessories.

Our press team also has the right contacts for editors and property managers for film and television shoots, if you need a sporty recumbent bike or modern tricycle as a prop on set.

Your direct phone line to the press team:

Press Releases

Main Bicycle Innovations at a Glance

With the following links, we provide media representatives with our current press releases and a selection of corresponding images. The usage for journalistic purposes in positive context with the topic recumbent / cycling is free of charge. Alternatively you will find photos of recumbents and tricycles sorted by their model in our photo album overview. Picture credits:

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Press Pictures

Links to Shared Albums on Google Photos

Recumbent bike photos and tricycle pictures sorted by model: High-resolution action photos and clipping images from the studio can be found here in our press photo albums. We have included links to corresponding image galleries for you in the individual press releases: Simply click on “Read more” in the overview of press releases. For journalistic purposes usage in positive context with the topic recumbent / bicycle is free of charge. Picture credits: