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Recumbent categories

Find the Right Recumbent for Your Style

What’s the best recumbent bike or trike? This question is surprisingly easy to answer: it is the one that suits you best. But how do you find the right bike? That’ s less complicated than it might seem given our wide range of recumbent bike or trike models.

How do you want to use your new recumbent? Our specialist dealers would probably ask you the same question now. We want to do the same with our recumbent bike categories, in which we describe typical use cases. For each category, we have selected the most suitable recumbent bike and trike models and also provided information on what is particularly important when it comes to configuring the matching components and accessories. Hover the mouse pointer over any of the pictures to learn more! One click takes you to the selected recumbent category.

Are you looking for a pedelec, a trike with electric assist, or an e-bike? You are in luck in each of our recumbent categories, because all our bikes and trikes can be equipped with electric auxiliary drives – factory-fitted when buying a new model (except Gekko 26), but also later for retrofitting.